
Flexible inference in heterogeneous and attributed multilayer networks

Networked datasets are often enriched by different types of information about individual nodes or edges. However, most existing methods for analyzing such datasets struggle to handle the complexity of heterogeneous data, often requiring substantial …

Community detection and anomaly prediction in dynamic networks

Anomaly detection is an essential task in the analysis of dynamic networks, as it can provide early warning of potential threats or abnormal behavior. We present a principled approach to detect anomalies in dynamic networks that integrates community …

Model for efficient dynamical ranking in networks

We present a physics-inspired method for inferring dynamic rankings in directed temporal networks - networks in which each directed and timestamped edge reflects the outcome and timing of a pairwise interaction. The inferred ranking of each node is …

Structure and inference in hypergraphs with node attributes

Many networked datasets with units interacting in groups of two or more, encoded with hypergraphs, are accompanied by extra information about nodes, such as the role of an individual in a workplace. Here we show how these node attributes can be used …

Message-passing on hypergraphs: detectability, phase transitions and higher-order information

Hypergraphs are widely adopted tools to examine systems with higher-order interactions. Despite recent advancements in methods for community detection in these systems, we still lack a theoretical analysis of their detectability limits. Here, we …

Framework to generate hypergraphs with community structure

In recent years hypergraphs have emerged as a powerful tool to study systems with multi-body interactions which cannot be trivially reduced to pairs. While highly structured benchmark models have proved fundamental for the standardized evaluation of …

A causality-inspired plus-minus model for player evaluation in team sports

We present a causality-inspired adjusted plus-minus model for evaluating individual players from their performance on a team. We take an explicitly causal approach to this problem, defining the value of a player to be the expected change in the score …

Anomaly, reciprocity, and community detection in networks

Anomaly detection algorithms are a valuable tool in network science for identifying unusual patterns in a network. These algorithms have numerous practical applications, including detecting fraud, identifying network security threats, and uncovering …

Community Detection in Large Hypergraphs

Hypergraphs, describing networks where interactions take place among any number of units, are a natural tool to model many real-world social and biological systems. In this work we propose a principled framework to model the organization of …

Hypergraphx: a library for higher-order network analysis

From social to biological systems, many real-world systems are characterized by higher-order, non-dyadic interactions. Such systems are conveniently described by hypergraphs, where hyperedges encode interactions among an arbitrary number of units. …