
Latent Network Models to Account for Noisy, Multiply-Reported Social Network Data

Social network data are often constructed by incorporating reports from multiple individuals. However, it is not obvious how to reconcile discordant responses from individuals. There may be particular risks with multiply-reported data if people's …

Anomaly detection and community detection in networks

Anomaly detection is a relevant problem in the area of data analysis. In networked systems, where individual entities interact in pairs, anomalies are observed when pattern of interactions deviates from patterns considered regular. Properly defining …

Inference of hyperedges and overlapping communities in hypergraphs

Hypergraphs, encoding structured interactions among any number of system units, have recently proven a successful tool to describe many real-world biological and social networks. Here we propose a framework based on statistical inference to …

Community Detection in networks by Dynamical Optimal Transport Formulation

Detecting communities in networks is important in various domains of applications. While a variety of methods exists to perform this task, recent efforts propose Optimal Transport (OT) principles combined with the geometric notion of Ollivier-Ricci …

Community detection and reciprocity in networks by jointly modeling pairs of edges

We present a probabilistic generative model and an efficient algorithm to both perform community detection and capture reciprocity in networks. Our approach jointly models pairs of edges with exact 2-edge joint distributions. In addition, it provides …

Modeling Node Exposure for Community Detection in Networks

In community detection, datasets often suffer a sampling bias for which nodes which would normally have a high affinity appear to have zero affinity. This happens for example when two affine users of a social network were not exposed to one another. …

The interplay between ranking and communities in networks

Community detection and hierarchy extraction are usually thought of as separate inference tasks on networks. Considering only one of the two when studying real-world data can be an oversimplification. In this work, we present a generative model based …

Multilayer patent citation networks: A comprehensive analytical framework for studying explicit technological relationships

The use of patent citation networks as research tools is becoming increasingly commonplace in the field of innovation studies. However, these networks rarely consider the contexts in which these citations are generated and are generally restricted to …

Estimating Social Influence from Observational Data

We consider the problem of estimating social influence, the effect that a …

Reciprocity, community detection, and link prediction in dynamic networks

Many complex systems change their structure over time, in these cases dynamic networks can provide a richer representation of such phenomena. As a consequence, many inference methods have been generalized to the dynamic case with the aim to model …